Afriq Arbitrage System

Best Investment Platform of 2023  //  Passive Income Made Easy  //  Fully Automated


Passive Income: Little to no effort.  You are not physically required to be there.  

Active Income:  requires full participation, your typical 9 to 5.

with AAS, you "set it and forget it", let the Bot do the work.


Automated arbitrage trading.  Zero human interference.  

With foreign exchange investments, the strategy known as arbitrage lets traders lock in gains by simultaneously purchasing and selling an identical security, commodity, or currency, across two different markets. 

AAS Digital Trading Platform.mp4

Automated Arbitrage Trading

See the Afriq Arbitrage Trading Bot in Action.

Investing strategies brought together under one name.  

Afriq Arbitrage System 

Blockchain Technology:  System of recording data in a way that makes it difficult or impossible to change, hack, or cheat.

Smart Contract: a computer program intended to automatically execute, control or document events and actions according to the terms of a contract or an agreement.

Algorithms: automated pre-programmed trading instructions.  This type of trading attempts to leverage the speed and computational resources of computers relative to human traders.

High Frequency Trading: an HFT system can execute many thousands of trades in a matter of seconds.