W.T.P. Investing

- a private community -

WTPI is a private investing community, that invest in Passive Income projects.  These projects allow us to make money with no effort.   Our purpose is to let our money make money, and slowly ease away from "trading" our "time & energy" for money as is the case with a traditional 9 to 5.

Since our founding in January 2023, our members have experienced making money daily.  No losses have occurred with any of the platforms on this site.  We look for opportunities designed for you to get out of debt and build wealth through investing.  Investing does not have to be hard or challenging, it can be easy, and profitable.  It's time to have options, it's time to join us when we say WE TAKE PROFITS INVESTING!!!

Our Goal:

"Make Profits, Take Profits, Repeat."

Our Commitment:

Integrity, Transparency, & Truthfulness


We are investors, just like you, what affects one, affects us all.

We are not financial advisors, and this is not financial advice.

We are friends, giving you some friendly advice.

Investing is risky and losses may or may not occur.

What About the Risk?

Risk is inseparable from return.   Every investment involves some degree of risk.  There is a risk to invest, and there is a risk if you don't invest.  

What If We Are Wrong?

What if we are right.  Let's say 6 months from now, you make over $16,000 from a $1,000 investment.  Would you be okay with that?   But, what if , you had chose not to invest because of "fear of losing $1,000", you would have missed $16,000.  Which is riskier? Investing or Not Investing?

Project List (click each project to learn more)